小白_0615 人气:0很多时候,程序中需要用到签名的功能,附上源码(微信小程序)
<view class="canvasBox"> <view class="canvasTitle">请签名:</view> <view class="canvasContent"> <view class="singatureTag">签名区域</view> <canvas style="width: {{canvasw}}px; height: {{canvash}}rpx;line-height:{{canvash}}rpx" disable-scroll="true" canvas-id="myCanvas" bindtouchstart="touchStart" bindtouchmove="touchMove" bindtouchend="touchEnd" touchcancel="canvasEnd" binderror="canvasIdErrorCallback"></canvas> </view> </view> <view class="next" style="padding-bottom:calc({{iphonex_height}}px + 20rpx);"> <view class="next-list"> <van-button round custom-style='font-size:30rpx;border-radius:20px;width:60%;' type="info" plain color="#5359a7" catchtap="clearDraw">清 除</van-button> </view> <view class="next-list"> <van-button round custom-style='font-size:30rpx;width:60%;' type="info" color="#1417b7" catchtap="submitDraw"> 提 交</van-button> </view> </view>
data: { iphonex_height: app.globalData.iphonex_safe_area_height, //inphonex安全区高度 currentColor: '#000', canvasw: 0, canvash: 0, userId: '', signFile: '', base64: '', }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; that.setData({ userId: options.userId, signFile: options.signFile, name: options.name, drawId_: options.drawId, list_: JSON.parse(options.list_), userID: options.userID, }) console.log(that.data.list_); this.begin = false; this.startX = 0; this.startY = 0; this.context = wx.createCanvasContext('myCanvas') this.context.setLineWidth(4); this.context.setLineCap('round'); this.context.setLineJoin('round'); wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ canvasw: res.windowWidth, //设备宽度 canvash: 400 }); } }); }, touchStart: function (e) { this.lineBegin(e.touches[0].x, e.touches[0].y) }, // 绘制中 手指在屏幕上移动 touchMove: function (e) { if (this.begin) { this.lineAddPoint(e.touches[0].x, e.touches[0].y); this.context.draw(true); } }, // 绘制结束 手指抬起 touchEnd: function () { this.lineEnd(); }, // 绘制线条结束 lineEnd: function () { this.context.closePath(); this.begin = false; }, // 开始绘制线条 lineBegin: function (x, y) { this.begin = true; this.context.beginPath() this.startX = x; this.startY = y; this.context.moveTo(this.startX, this.startY) this.lineAddPoint(x, y); }, // 绘制线条中间添加点 lineAddPoint: function (x, y) { this.context.moveTo(this.startX, this.startY) this.context.lineTo(x, y) this.context.stroke(); this.startX = x; this.startY = y; },
//提交 submitDraw() { console.log("提交"); var that = this; console.log(that.data.name); //跳转携带的参数 if (that.data.name == "sponsor_drawing") { console.log("申请人签字"); wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'myCanvas', success: function (res) { if (that.startY == 0) { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '您还没有签名', }) } else { //整理签名格式 that.setData({ //转base64 base64: wx.getFileSystemManager().readFileSync(res.tempFilePath, "base64").replace(/\s/g, ""), }) console.log("base64"); console.log(that.data.base64); //请求接口 提交信息 //申请人签字 let url = '/release/release?drawId=' + that.data.drawId_ + '&signature=' + `${encodeURIComponent(that.data.base64)}`; let data = {} wx.showLoading({ title: '发布中', }) app.wxRequest('POST', 1, url, data, (res) => { if (res.code == 200) { wx.hideLoading(); Toast('提存信息发布成功'); if (that.data.list_ != null) { var issuer_ = that.data.list_.issuer; //发布人信息 var accept_ = that.data.list_.accept; //受领人信息 if (app.globalData.note_bool) { for (var i = 0; i < accept_.length; i++) { if (list_ != null) { that.call_function(1, issuer_[0].name, accept_[i].name, accept_[i].phone); //短信通知 } } } } setTimeout(function () { wx.switchTab({ url: '/pages/user/mydrawing/index', }); }, 500) } else { wx.hideLoading(); Toast('提存信息发布失败'); } }, (err) => { wx.hideLoading(); Toast('加载失败'); console.log(err); }) } }, }) } else if (that.data.name == "kuanApplyof") { console.log("受领人签字"); wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'myCanvas', success: function (res) { if (that.startY == 0) { wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '您还没有签名', }) } else { //整理签名格式 that.setData({ //转base64 base64: wx.getFileSystemManager().readFileSync(res.tempFilePath, "base64"), }) console.log("base64"); console.log(that.data.base64); //请求接口 提交信息 // list_ = JSON.parse(list_); console.log(that.data.list_); let url = '/accept/apply?drawId=' + that.data.drawId_ + '&userId=' + that.data.userID + '&signature=' + `${encodeURIComponent(that.data.base64)}`; let data = { account: that.data.list_.account, //开户名 mobile: that.data.list_.mobile, //手机号 cardNo: that.data.list_.cardNo, //SFZ号 bankName: that.data.list_.bankName, //开户行 bankNo: that.data.list_.bankNo, //卡号 remarks: that.data.list_.remarks, //备注信息 applyMaterialList: that.data.list_.applyMaterialList, //申请材料信息 } console.log(data); wx.showLoading({ title: '确认中', }) app.wxRequest('POST', 2, url, data, (res) => { console.log(res); if (res.code == 200) { wx.hideLoading(); Toast('确认提存信息成功'); var name_accept = null; for (var i = 0; i < that.data.list_.accept_list.length; i++) { if (app.globalData.user_phone == that.data.list_.accept_list[i].mobile) { name_accept = that.data.list_.accept_list[i].name; } } let sendMobile = app.globalData.sendMobile; //公证 if (that.data.list_ != null && name_accept != null) { if (app.globalData.note_bool) { if (sendMobile != '') { that.call_function(7, that.data.list_.issuer_list.realName, name_accept, sendMobile); } } } setTimeout(() => { wx.switchTab({ url: '/pages/user/perceptio/index', }) }, 500) } else { wx.hideLoading(); Toast('确认提存信息失败'); } }, (err) => { wx.hideLoading(); Toast('加载失败'); console.log(err); }) } }, }) } else { Toast('提存信息发布失败'); } }, clearDraw() { console.log("清除"); this.startY = 0 this.context.draw() this.context.setLineWidth(4); this.context.setLineCap('round'); this.context.setLineJoin('round'); }
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