

Vue elementUI 自定义表单模板组件功能实现

周围都是小趴菜 人气:0

elementUI 实现一个自定义的表单模板组件


    <el-dialog :title="title" :visible.sync="open" width="800px" append-to-body>
      <div class="addBox">
        <el-form :model="form" label-width="90px" ref="form" :rules="rules">
          <el-form-item label="选项名称" lebel-width="80" prop="label">
            <el-input placeholder="请输入自定义选项名称" maxlength="20" clearable v-model="form.label" @input="change($event)">
          <el-form-item label="选项提示" lebel-width="80" prop="tips">
            <el-input @input="change($event)" placeholder="请输入提示内容" maxlength="20" clearable v-model="form.tips">
          <el-form-item label="选项类型" prop="value">
            <el-cascader clearable ref="cascader" v-model="value" :options="options" @change="handleChange">
          <el-form-item v-if="radioCount" label="最多选几项">
            <el-input-number v-model="form.radioCount" controls-position="right" :min="1"></el-input-number>
            <!-- <el-input type="number" v-model="form.radioCount"></el-input> -->
          <el-form-item v-if="isRadio" v-for="(domain, index) in radioOptions" :key="domain.id"
            :label="'添加选项' + (index + 1)" prop="name">
              <el-col :span="18">
                <el-input placeholder="请输入选择框选项" v-model="domain.name"></el-input>
              <el-col :span="6">
                <el-button @click="addType" v-if="index == 0">新增</el-button>
              <el-col :span="6">
                <el-button @click.prevent="removeType(domain)" v-if="index > 0">删除</el-button>
      <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
        <el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">确 定</el-button>
        <el-button @click="cancel">取 消</el-button>
  export default {
    name: 'WorkspaceJsonProjectCopy',

    data() {
      return {
        title: '新增选项',
        isRadio: false,
        value: [],
        rules: {},
        open: true,
        radioCount: false,
        form: {
          radioOptions: [{}],
          label: ''
        radioOptions: [{}],
        options: [{
            value: "input",
            label: "输入框",
            children: [{
                value: "phone",
                label: "手机号",
                children: [{
                    value: "0",
                    label: "非必填"
                    value: "1",
                    label: "必填"
                value: "idcard",
                label: "SFZ号",
                children: [{
                    value: "0",
                    label: "非必填"
                    value: "1",
                    label: "必填"
                value: "link",
                label: "链接",
                children: [{
                    value: "0",
                    label: "非必填"
                    value: "1",
                    label: "必填"
                value: "email",
                label: "邮箱",
                children: [{
                    value: "0",
                    label: "非必填"
                    value: "1",
                    label: "必填"
                value: "other",
                label: "其他",
                children: [{
                    value: "0",
                    label: "非必填"
                    value: "1",
                    label: "必填"
            value: "radio",
            label: "选择框",
            children: [{
                value: "danxuan",
                label: "单选",
                children: [{
                    value: "0",
                    label: "非必填"
                    value: "1",
                    label: "必填"
                value: "duoxuan",
                label: "多选",
                children: [{
                    value: "0",
                    label: "非必填"
                    value: "1",
                    label: "必填"
            value: "image",
            label: "图片",
            children: [{
                value: "0",
                label: "非必填"
                value: "1",
                label: "必填"
            value: "date",
            label: "日期—年月日",
            children: [{
                value: "0",
                label: "非必填"
                value: "1",
                label: "必填"
            value: "datetime",
            label: "时间—时分秒",
            children: [{
                value: "0",
                label: "非必填"
                value: "1",
                label: "必填"

    mounted() {


    methods: {
      change() {
      // 弹窗选择选项类型
      handleChange(value) {
        this.value = value
        if (value[0] && value[0] == 'radio' && value[1] == 'danxuan') {
          this.radioOptions = [{}]
          this.isRadio = true
          this.radioCount = false
        if (value[0] && value[0] == 'radio' && value[1] == 'duoxuan') {
          this.radioOptions = [{}]
          this.isRadio = true
          this.radioCount = true
        if (value[0] && value[0] != 'radio') {

          this.radioOptions = [{}]
          this.isRadio = false
          this.radioCount = false
      // 重置弹窗
      reset() {
        this.form = {}
        this.value = []
        this.radioOptions = [{}]
        this.isRadio = false
        this.radioCount = false,
          this.isEdit = false
        const _cascader = this.$refs.cascader
        if (_cascader) {
          _cascader.$refs.panel.checkedValue = [];
          _cascader.$refs.panel.activePath = [];
      // 取消弹窗
      cancel() {
        this.open = false;
        this.form = {}
      // 新增添加选择框选项
      addType() {
      // 删除新增的选择框选项
      removeType(item) {
        var index = this.radioOptions.indexOf(item);
        if (index !== -1) {
          this.radioOptions.splice(index, 1);
      // 获取创建时间
      getDate() {
        var date = new Date()
        var Y = date.getFullYear() + '-'
        var M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + '-'
        var D = (date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + date.getDate() : date.getDate()) + ' '
        var h = (date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours()) + ':'
        var m = (date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes()) + ':'
        var s = (date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds())
        return Y + M + D + h + m + s
      submitForm: function () {
        var value = this.value
        this.$refs["form"].validate((valid) => {
          if (valid) {
            if (value[0] == 'input') {
              var submitData = JSON.stringify({
                createTime: this.getDate(),
                label: this.form.label,
                type: 'input',
                inputType: value[1],
                mustFill: value[2],
                tips: this.form.tips,
                radioCount: null,
                radioOption: null

            } else if (value[0] == 'radio' && value[1] == 'danxuan') {
              var options = []
              this.form.radioOptions = this.radioOptions
              for (var item of this.form.radioOptions) {
              var subOption = options.join(';')
              var submitData = JSON.stringify({
                createTime: this.getDate(),
                label: this.form.label,
                type: 'radio',
                radioCount: 1,
                mustFill: value[2],
                radioOption: subOption,
                tips: this.form.tips,
                inputType: null
            } else if (value[0] == 'radio' && value[1] == 'duoxuan') {
              var options = []
              this.form.radioOptions = this.radioOptions
              for (var item of this.form.radioOptions) {
              var subOption = options.join(';')

              var submitData = JSON.stringify({
                createTime: this.getDate(),
                label: this.form.label,
                type: 'radio',
                mustFill: value[2],
                radioOption: subOption,
                tips: this.form.tips,
                radioCount: this.form.radioCount,
                inputType: null
            } else if (value[0] == 'image') {
              var submitData = JSON.stringify({
                createTime: this.getDate(),
                label: this.form.label,
                type: 'image',
                mustFill: value[1],
                id: this.id,
                tips: this.form.tips,
                inputType: null,
                radioCount: null,
                radioOption: null
            } else if (value[0] == 'date') {
              var submitData = JSON.stringify({
                createTime: this.getDate(),
                label: this.form.label,
                type: 'date',
                mustFill: value[1],
                id: this.id,
                tips: this.form.tips,
                inputType: null,
                radioCount: null,
                radioOption: null
            } else if (value[0] == 'datetime') {
              var submitData = JSON.stringify({
                createTime: this.getDate(),
                label: this.form.label,
                type: 'datetime',
                mustFill: value[1],
                id: this.id,
                tips: this.form.tips,
                inputType: null,
                radioCount: null,
                radioOption: null




