bobo_simpler 人气:0前言
golang是强类型语言,编译后是机器码,所以一般使用 反射 或 代码生成 解决依赖注入的问题
基于反射解决DI问题的框架, 使用比较多的是Uber的 dig 库
type Config struct { Prefix string } //初始化Config函数 func NewConfig()(*Config, error) { // In a real program, the configuration will probably be read from a // file. var cfg Config err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"prefix": "[foo] "}`), &cfg) return &cfg, err } //初始化logger函数 func NewLogger(cfg *Config) *log.Logger { return log.New(os.Stdout, cfg.Prefix, 0) } func Handle() (l *log.Logger) { l.Print("You've been invoked") } func main() { //初始化dig对象 c := dig.New() //Provide方法用来设置依赖的对象 er := c.Provide(NewConfig) if err != nil { panic(err) } //设置依赖的对象 err = c.Provide(NewLogger) if err != nil { panic(err) } //执行Handle()方法 //Handle依赖 Config 和 Logger,使用Invoke执行方法时会自动注入依赖(依赖的对象要传入Provide方法中) err = c.Invoke(Handle) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Output: // [foo] You've been invoked }
wire库是google出的解决golang DI问题的工具,它可以 自动生成依赖注入的代码,节省了手动去处理依赖关系
// +build wireinject package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "github.com/google/wire" "net/http" ) type DataSource struct { Operation string } func NewDataSource() DataSource { return DataSource{Operation: "operation_name"} } //================== type Dao struct { DataSource DataSource } func NewDao(ds DataSource) *Dao { return &Dao{ DataSource: ds, } } func (d *Dao) GetItemList() ([]string, error) { //TODO 拿到DB对象做查询操作 fmt.Printf("db object: %s", d.DataSource.Operation) return []string{d.DataSource.Operation, "item1", "item2"}, nil } //==================== type Service struct { Dao *Dao } func NewService(dao *Dao) *Service { return &Service{Dao: dao} } func (s *Service) GetItemList() ([]string, error) { return s.Dao.GetItemList() } //===================== type Controller struct { Service *Service } func NewController(service *Service) *Controller { return &Controller{Service: service} } func (c *Controller) GetItemList() ([]string, error) { return c.Service.GetItemList() } var MegaSet = wire.NewSet(NewDataSource, NewDao, NewService, NewController) func initializeController() *Controller { wire.Build(MegaSet) return &Controller{} } func getItemList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { controller := initializeController() itemList, _ := controller.GetItemList() output, _ := json.Marshal(itemList) fmt.Fprintf(w, string(output)) } func main() { http.HandleFunc("/items", getItemList) err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } }
// Code generated by Wire. DO NOT EDIT. //go:generate go run github.com/google/wire/cmd/wire //+build !wireinject package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "github.com/google/wire" "net/http" ) // Injectors from main.go: // 此处是生成的代码 func initializeController() *Controller { dataSource := NewDataSource() dao := NewDao(dataSource) service := NewService(dao) controller := NewController(service) return controller } // main.go: type DataSource struct { Operation string } func NewDataSource() DataSource { return DataSource{Operation: "operation_name"} } type Dao struct { DataSource DataSource } func NewDao(ds DataSource) *Dao { return &Dao{ DataSource: ds, } } func (d *Dao) GetItemList() ([]string, error) { fmt.Printf("db object: %s", d.DataSource.Operation) return []string{d.DataSource.Operation, "item1", "item2"}, nil } type Service struct { Dao *Dao } func NewService(dao *Dao) *Service { return &Service{Dao: dao} } func (s *Service) GetItemList() ([]string, error) { return s.Dao.GetItemList() } type Controller struct { Service *Service } func NewController(service *Service) *Controller { return &Controller{Service: service} } func (c *Controller) GetItemList() ([]string, error) { return c.Service.GetItemList() } var MegaSet = wire.NewSet(NewDataSource, NewDao, NewService, NewController) func getItemList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { controller := initializeController() itemList, _ := controller.GetItemList() output, _ := json.Marshal(itemList) fmt.Fprintf(w, string(output)) } func main() { http.HandleFunc("/items", getItemList) err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } }
//执行wire命令前的代码 func initializeController() *Controller { wire.Build(MegaSet) return &Controller{} } //执行后生成的代码 // Injectors from main.go: func initializeController() *Controller { dataSource := NewDataSource() dao := NewDao(dataSource) service := NewService(dao) controller := NewController(service) return controller }
通过生成代码解决依赖注入的问题,既能提升开发效率,又不影响代码性能,wire更高级的用法可以去github document查看
- tips: 如果报错误
other declaration of xxxx
,请在源文件头加上//+build wireinject
- go-zero框架也是用wire解决DI问题