猪思马记 人气:0最近遇上需要批量修改有联合主键的表数据,网上找了很多文章,最终都没找到比较合适的方法,有些只能支持少量数据批量修改,超过十几条就不行了。
<update id="updateMoreEmpOrg" parameterType="java.util.List"> update hr_emp_org <trim prefix="set" suffixOverrides=","> <trim prefix="ISMAN = CASE EMPID" suffix="end,"> <foreach collection="empOrgList" item="item" index="index"> <if test="item.isman != null"> when EMPID = #{item.empid} then #{item.isman} </if> </foreach> </trim> <trim prefix="UPDATETIME = CASE EMPID" suffix="end,"> <foreach collection="empOrgList" item="item" index="index"> <if test="item.updatetime != null"> when EMPID = #{item.empid} then #{item.updatetime} </if> </foreach> </trim> <trim prefix="hr_status =case EMPID" suffix="end,"> <foreach collection="empOrgList" item="item" index="index"> <if test="item.hrStatus != null"> when #{item.EMPID} then #{item.hrStatus} </if> </foreach> </trim> </trim> where EMPID in <foreach collection="empOrgList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item.empid} </foreach> and ORGID in <foreach collection="empOrgList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item.orgid} </foreach> </update>
<update id="updateMoreEmpPosition" parameterType="java.util.List"> update hr_emp_position <trim prefix="set" suffixOverrides=","> <trim prefix="ISMAN =case" suffix="end,"> <foreach collection="empPositionList" item="item" index="index"> <if test="item.isman != null"> when EMPID = #{item.empid} and POSITIONID = #{item.positionid} then #{item.isman} </if> </foreach> </trim> <trim prefix="CREATETIME =case" suffix="end,"> <foreach collection="empPositionList" item="item" index="index"> <if test="item.createtime != null"> when EMPID = #{item.empid} and POSITIONID = #{item.positionid} then #{item.createtime} </if> </foreach> </trim> <trim prefix="UPDATETIME =case" suffix="end,"> <foreach collection="empPositionList" item="item" index="index"> <if test="item.updatetime != null"> when EMPID = #{item.empid} and POSITIONID = #{item.positionid} then #{item.updatetime} </if> </foreach> </trim> <trim prefix="hr_status =case" suffix="end,"> <foreach collection="empPositionList" item="item" index="index"> <if test="item.hrStatus != null"> when EMPID = #{item.empid} and POSITIONID = #{item.positionid} then #{item.hrStatus} </if> </foreach> </trim> </trim> where EMPID in <foreach collection="empPositionList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item.empid} </foreach> </update>
修改条件中trim里面 case后面不填对比字段,在if里面进行对比判断。