C++实现求Excel表列序号 C++实现LeetCode(171.求Excel表列序号)
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[LeetCode] 171.Excel Sheet Column Number 求Excel表列序号
Related to question Excel Sheet Column Title
Given a column title as appear in an Excel sheet, return its corresponding column number.
For example:
A -> 1
B -> 2
C -> 3
Z -> 26
AA -> 27
AB -> 28
Special thanks to @ts for adding this problem and creating all test cases.
class Solution { public: int titleToNumber(string s) { int n = s.size(); int res = 0; int tmp = 1; for (int i = n; i >= 1; --i) { res += (s[i - 1] - 'A' + 1) * tmp; tmp *= 26; } return res; } };