C#多线程中运用互斥锁Mutex C#多线程中怎样运用互斥锁Mutex
小恩 人气:0想了解C#多线程中怎样运用互斥锁Mutex的相关内容吗,小恩在本文为您仔细讲解C#多线程中运用互斥锁Mutex的相关知识和一些Code实例,欢迎阅读和指正,我们先划重点:C#,多线程,互斥锁,Mutex,下面大家一起来学习吧。
//创建一个处于未获取状态的互斥锁 Public Mutex(); //如果owned为true,互斥锁的初始状态就是被主线程所获取,否则处于未获取状态 Public Mutex(bool owned);
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace MyTTCon { class shareRes { public static int count = 0; public static Mutex mutex = new Mutex(); } class IncThread { int number; public Thread thrd; public IncThread(string name, int n) { thrd = new Thread(this.run); number = n; thrd.Name = name; thrd.Start(); } void run() { Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "正在等待 the mutex"); //申请 shareRes.mutex.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "申请到 the mutex"); do { Thread.Sleep(1000); shareRes.count++; Console.WriteLine("In " + thrd.Name + "ShareRes.count is " + shareRes.count); number--; } while (number > 0); Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "释放 the nmutex"); // 释放 shareRes.mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } } class DecThread { int number; public Thread thrd; public DecThread(string name, int n) { thrd = new Thread(this.run); number = n; thrd.Name = name; thrd.Start(); } void run() { Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "正在等待 the mutex"); //申请 shareRes.mutex.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "申请到 the mutex"); do { Thread.Sleep(1000); shareRes.count--; Console.WriteLine("In " + thrd.Name + "ShareRes.count is " + shareRes.count); number--; } while (number > 0); Console.WriteLine(thrd.Name + "释放 the nmutex"); // 释放 shareRes.mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { IncThread mthrd1 = new IncThread("IncThread thread ", 5); DecThread mthrd2 = new DecThread("DecThread thread ", 5); mthrd1.thrd.Join(); mthrd2.thrd.Join(); } } }