Android仿微信列表滑动删除 Android仿微信列表滑动删除 怎样实现滑动列表SwipeListView
ly513782705 人气:0接上一篇,本篇主要讲如何实现滑动列表SwipeListView。
@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { //if user had not set mSwipeItemViewID, not handle any touch event if(mSwipeItemViewID == -1) return super.onTouchEvent(ev); if(mCancelMotionEvent && ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { //ev.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL); LogUtil.Log("SwipeListView.onTouchEvent(), cancel ACTION_DOWN"); hideShowingItem(); return true; } else if(mCancelMotionEvent && ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { if(mSwipeItemView.getCurrentScrollX() > 0) { mSwipeItemView.computeScroll(); //mSwipeItemView.scrollBy(-1, 0); } return true; } else if(mCancelMotionEvent && ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { mCancelMotionEvent = false; return true; } switch(ev.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: { LogUtil.Log("ACTION_DOWN"); if(mTracker == null) { mTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); } else { mTracker.clear(); } mActionDownX = ev.getX(); mActionDownY = ev.getY(); mLastMotionX = ev.getX(); mLastMotionY = ev.getY(); }break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: { //if the scroll distance at X-axis or Y-axis less than the //TOUCH_SLOP, do not handle the event MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE if(Math.abs(ev.getX() - mActionDownX) < TOUCH_SLOP || Math.abs(ev.getY() - mActionDownY) < TOUCH_SLOP) break; float curX = ev.getX(); float curY = ev.getY(); int distanceX = (int)(mLastMotionX - curX); int distanceY = (int)(mLastMotionY - curY); if(mScrollDirection == DIRECTION_UNKNOW && Math.abs(distanceY) <= Math.abs(distanceX)) mScrollDirection = DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL; else if(mScrollDirection == DIRECTION_UNKNOW && Math.abs(distanceY) > Math.abs(distanceX)) mScrollDirection = DIRECTION_VERTICAL; //if ListView is scrolling vertical, do not handle the touch event if(mScrollDirection == DIRECTION_VERTICAL) break; int lastPos = pointToPosition((int)mActionDownX, (int)mActionDownY); int firstVisibleItemPos = getFirstVisiblePosition() - getHeaderViewsCount(); int factPos = lastPos - firstVisibleItemPos; mItemView = getChildAt(factPos); if(mItemView != null) { mSwipeItemView = (SwipeItemView)mItemView.findViewById(mSwipeItemViewID); if(mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView() != null && mSwipeItemView.getScrollX() <= mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView().getWidth() && mSwipeItemView.getScrollX() >= 0) { if(mSwipeItemView.getScrollX() + distanceX > mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView().getWidth()) distanceX = mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView().getWidth() - mSwipeItemView.getScrollX(); else if(mSwipeItemView.getScrollX() + distanceX < 0) distanceX = -mSwipeItemView.getScrollX(); mSwipeItemView.scrollBy(distanceX, 0); } mLastShowingPos = lastPos; ev.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL); } mLastMotionX = curX; mLastMotionY = curY; }break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: { LogUtil.Log("ACTION_UP"); if(mTracker != null) { mTracker.clear(); mTracker.recycle(); mTracker = null; } //reset the mScrollDirection to DIRECTION_UNKNOW mScrollDirection = DIRECTION_UNKNOW; //reset the mCancelMotionEvent to false mCancelMotionEvent = false; //ensure if the showing item need open or hide if(mLastShowingPos != -1) ensureIfItemOpenOrHide(); }break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: { hideShowingItem(); }break; } return super.onTouchEvent(ev); }
private void ensureIfItemOpenOrHide() { if(mLastShowingPos != -1) { int firstVisibleItemPos = getFirstVisiblePosition() - getHeaderViewsCount(); int factPos = mLastShowingPos - firstVisibleItemPos; mItemView = getChildAt(factPos); if(mItemView != null) { mSwipeItemView = (SwipeItemView)mItemView.findViewById(mSwipeItemViewID); if(mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView() != null && mSwipeItemView.getScrollX() >= mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView().getWidth() / 2) { openShowingItem(); } else if(mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView() != null) { hideShowingItem(); } } } }
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { //if user had not set mSwipeItemViewID, not handle any touch event if(mSwipeItemViewID == -1) return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); if(mLastShowingPos != -1 && ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && !isClickChildView(ev)) { LogUtil.Log("SwipeListView.onInterceptTouchEvent(), intercept ACTION_DOWN"); mCancelMotionEvent = true; return true; } else if(mLastShowingPos == -1 && ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { return true; } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); }
private boolean isClickChildView(MotionEvent event) { if(mLastShowingPos != -1) { int firstVisibleItemPos = getFirstVisiblePosition() - getHeaderViewsCount(); int factPos = mLastShowingPos - firstVisibleItemPos; mItemView = getChildAt(factPos); if(mItemView != null) { mSwipeItemView = (SwipeItemView)mItemView.findViewById(mSwipeItemViewID); View slidingView = mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView(); if(slidingView != null) { int[] slidingViewLocation = new int[2]; slidingView.getLocationOnScreen(slidingViewLocation); int left = slidingViewLocation[0]; int right = slidingViewLocation[0] + slidingView.getWidth(); int top = slidingViewLocation[1]; int bottom = slidingViewLocation[1] + slidingView.getHeight(); return (event.getRawX() > left && event.getRawX() < right && event.getRawY() > top && event.getRawY() < bottom); } } } return false; }
private void openShowingItem() { if(mLastShowingPos != -1) { int firstVisibleItemPos = getFirstVisiblePosition() - getHeaderViewsCount(); int factPos = mLastShowingPos - firstVisibleItemPos; mItemView = getChildAt(factPos); if(mItemView != null) { mSwipeItemView = (SwipeItemView)mItemView.findViewById(mSwipeItemViewID); if(mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView() != null) mSwipeItemView.scrollToWithAnimation( mSwipeItemView.getSlidingView().getWidth(), 0); } } } private void hideShowingItem() { if(mLastShowingPos != -1) { int firstVisibleItemPos = getFirstVisiblePosition() - getHeaderViewsCount(); int factPos = mLastShowingPos - firstVisibleItemPos; mItemView = getChildAt(factPos); if(mItemView != null) { mSwipeItemView = (SwipeItemView)mItemView.findViewById(mSwipeItemViewID); mSwipeItemView.scrollToWithAnimation(0, 0); } mLastShowingPos = -1; } }