爱我-中华 人气:0前言:为很好的理解这些方法,你需要熟悉java8特性Lambda和方法引用的使用
public class Person { public enum Sex { MALE, FEMALE } String name; LocalDate birthday; Sex gender; String emailAddress; Person(String nameArg, LocalDate birthdayArg, Sex genderArg, String emailArg) { name = nameArg; birthday = birthdayArg; gender = genderArg; emailAddress = emailArg; } public int getAge() { return birthday.until(IsoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow()).getYears(); } public void printPerson() { System.out.println(name + ", " + this.getAge()); } public Sex getGender() { return gender; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getEmailAddress() { return emailAddress; } public LocalDate getBirthday() { return birthday; } public static int compareByAge(Person a, Person b) { return a.birthday.compareTo(b.birthday); } public static List<Person> createRoster() { List<Person> roster = new ArrayList<>(); roster.add(new Person("Fred", IsoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1980, 6, 20), Person.Sex.MALE, "fred@example.com")); roster.add(new Person("Jane", IsoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1990, 7, 15), Person.Sex.FEMALE, "jane@example.com")); roster.add( new Person("George", IsoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1991, 8, 13), Person.Sex.MALE, "george@example.com")); roster.add(new Person("Bob", IsoChronology.INSTANCE.date(2000, 9, 12), Person.Sex.MALE, "bob@example.com")); return roster; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person [name=" + name + ", birthday=" + birthday + ", gender=" + gender + ", emailAddress=" + emailAddress + "]"; } }
1.1 管道和流
NOTE: 管道是一个有序的聚合操作(A pipeline is a sequence of aggregate operations)
@Test public void test1() { roster.stream().filter(e -> e.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE).forEach(e -> System.out.println(e.getName())); }
当然你也可以用 for-each 循环做到这一点
一个数据源,即一个集合 roster
@Test public void test() { double average = roster.stream().filter(p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE).mapToInt(Person::getAge) .average().getAsDouble(); System.out.println(average); }
聚合过程 filter-->mapToInt-->average()-->getAsDouble
Note:The JDK contains many terminal operations (such as average
, sum
, min
, max
, and count
) that return one value by combining the contents of a stream. These operations are called reduction operations.
这里主要介绍两种 Stream.reduce和Stream.collect方法。
2.1:Stream.reduce 计算总和
方法一:通过sum() 聚合 roster.stream().mapToInt(Person::getAge).sum();
Integer totalAgeReduce = roster.stream().map(Person::getAge).reduce(0, (a, b) -> a + b);
NOTE: 0 可以改为任意Int数据,其作用就是在原总和的基础上加上0
2.2 :Stream.collect方法 还原成其他类型
public class Averager implements IntConsumer { private int total = 0; private int count = 0; public double average() { return count > 0 ? ((double) total) / count : 0; } public double getTotal() { return total; } @Override public void accept(int i) { total += i; count++; } public void combine(Averager other) { total += other.total; count += other.count; } }
@Test public void test3() { SupplierImpl impl = new SupplierImpl(); Averager averageCollect = roster.stream().filter(p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE).map(Person::getAge) .collect(Averager::new, Averager::accept, Averager::combine); System.out.println("Average age of male members: " + averageCollect.average()); Averager averageCollect2 = roster.stream().filter(p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE).map(Person::getAge) .collect(impl, Averager::accept, Averager::combine); System.out.println("Average age of male members22: " + averageCollect2.average()); }
The collect
operation in this example takes three arguments:
: The supplier is a factory function; it constructs new instances. For thecollect
operation, it creates instances of the result container. In this example, it is a new instance of theAverager
: The accumulator function incorporates a stream element into a result container. In this example, it modifies theAverager
result container by incrementing thecount
variable by one and adding to thetotal
member variable the value of the stream element, which is an integer representing the age of a male member.combiner
: The combiner function takes two result containers and merges their contents. In this example, it modifies anAverager
result container by incrementing thecount
variable by thecount
member variable of the otherAverager
instance and adding to thetotal
member variable the value of the otherAverager
member variable
举例二:Stream.collect方法 还原成List<String>
@Test public void test5() { List<String> namesOfMaleMembersCollect = roster.stream().filter(p -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE) .map(p -> p.getName()).collect(Collectors.toList()); namesOfMaleMembersCollect.forEach(System.out::print); System.out.println(); namesOfMaleMembersCollect.add("1234"); namesOfMaleMembersCollect.forEach(System.out::print); }
举例三:Stream.collect方法 还原成Map<Object,List<Object>,
@Test public void test6() { Map<Sex, List<Person>> byGender = roster.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Person::getGender)); Set<Sex> keySet = byGender.keySet(); for (Sex sex : keySet) { List<Person> list = byGender.get(sex); System.out.println("sex = " + sex); list.forEach(System.out::print); System.out.println(); } }
举例四:Stream.collect方法 还原成Map<Object,List>,
@Test public void test7() { Map<Person.Sex, List<String>> namesByGender = roster.stream().collect( Collectors.groupingBy(Person::getGender, Collectors.mapping(Person::getName, Collectors.toList()))); Set<Sex> keySet = namesByGender.keySet(); for (Sex sex : keySet) { List<String> list = namesByGender.get(sex); System.out.println("sex = " + sex); list.forEach(System.out::print); System.out.println(); } Map<Person.Sex, List<String>> namesByGender2 = roster.stream().collect(Collectors.groupingBy((p) -> { return p.getGender(); }, Collectors.mapping(Person::getName, Collectors.toList()))); Set<Sex> keySet2 = namesByGender2.keySet(); for (Sex sex : keySet2) { List<String> list = namesByGender2.get(sex); System.out.println("sex = " + sex); list.forEach(System.out::print); System.out.println(); } }
@Test public void test8() { Map<Person.Sex, Integer> totalAgeByGender = roster.stream().collect( Collectors.groupingBy(Person::getGender, Collectors.reducing(0, Person::getAge, Integer::sum))); Set<Sex> keySet2 = totalAgeByGender.keySet(); for (Sex sex : keySet2) { Integer integer = totalAgeByGender.get(sex); System.out.println("sex = " + sex); System.out.println("年龄sum = " + integer); } }
@Test public void test9() { Map<Person.Sex, Double> averageAgeByGender = roster.stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Person::getGender, Collectors.averagingInt(Person::getAge))); Set<Sex> keySet2 = averageAgeByGender.keySet(); for (Sex sex : keySet2) { Double double1 = averageAgeByGender.get(sex); System.out.println("sex = " + sex); System.out.println("年龄avg = " + double1); } }
三 并行操作(Parallelism)