fengzi8615 人气:0下面是详细代码分享:
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std;
//声明函数部分 void BuildMainMenu();//声明主菜单函数 void SelectSytem(int AID,int who);//声明选课系统 void MyCourse(int AID,int who);//声明我的课表 void PrintC(int who);//声明打印课表函数 void WrongW();//错误提示函数
- 现有课程数据
- 现有学生数据
- 现有老师数据
- 按顺序合并为
- 1.无任何课程->导入现有课程数据 (具体内容见
类) - 2.无任何老师数据->导入老师数据 (具体内容见
类) - 3.此时老师并没有设置任何课程
- ->需要老师登陆系统进行设置
- 该步骤需要手动键入数据,参考数据见
- 4.无任何学生数据->导入学生数据 (具体内容见
类) - 5.暂且令助教来自于学生,则助教的数据和学生数据一致
- 6.对于学生和助教,需通过学号和所设密码进入选课系统
//用于打印边框 void PrintEgde(){puts("**********************************************");} //课程类 class Course { public: int CourseId;//编号 string cousreName;//名称 int credit;//学分 bool HaveSet=0;//判断该门课是否被老师设置,没有设置(0)则不能被学生选择 Course(){}//默认构造函数,要记得写 //自定义的含参构造函数 void SetCourse(int a,string b,int c){CourseId=a;cousreName=b;credit=c;} }; //AllList 存储所有课程的信息 Course AllList[200]; int C_totalnum;//代表课程的总数 class Person { public: string name;//姓名 int age;//年龄 //构造 Person(){} void SetPerson(string a,int b){name=a;age=b;} }; class teacher:public Person { public: int teacherId;//老师的编号 int Len;//需要教授的课程数量 int TeachCourse[10];//所授课程ID编号 int now_have=0;//已设置课程数量 teacher(){}//默认构造函数 void Set_Teacher(string Name,int Age,int ID,int n)//构造 { name=Name; age=Age; teacherId=ID; Len=n; } void teach(){cout<<"I am a teacher,I teach my student\n";} //删除已经设置的课程 void DeleteC(int CID) { system("cls");//用于清空cmd窗口 //如果当前没有课程可以删除就直接返回 if(now_have==0) { puts("You have set no course!"); _sleep(500);//用于暂停0.5s return; } //CAN用于判断是否能取消设置某一门课(即要取消的课是否已被设置) int CAN=0; for(int i=1;i<=now_have;i++) { if(TeachCourse[i]==CID) { //可以取消,那么把原本设置好的最后一门课放到要取消的课的位置上 TeachCourse[i]=TeachCourse[now_have]; now_have--; CAN=1; break; } } if(CAN==1) puts("You successfully deleted the course!"); else puts("There is no such course!");//不能取消设置的情况 _sleep(800); } void PrintNowteach()//输出已设置课程 { system("cls"); puts(" <M y C o u r s e> \n"); PrintEgde(); //如果没有课 if(now_have==0) puts("You have no course now!"); //如果有课 for(int i=1;i<=now_have;i++) { int x=TeachCourse[i];//取出课程编号方便下一行书写 printf("*%5d %-29s %4d *\n",AllList[x].CourseId,AllList[x].cousreName.c_str(),AllList[x].credit); } PrintEgde();putchar('\n'); printf({"You can input The CourseID to delete:(or -1 to return)"}); int flag=0;scanf("%d",&flag); if(flag==-1) return;//返回上一级系统 else if(flag>0 && flag<=C_totalnum)//如果输入的数字在限定范围之内 { DeleteC(flag);//取消设置 PrintNowteach();//并重置该页面 } else//如果输入的数字不在预设范围内,进行报错提示 { WrongW(); PrintNowteach(); } } void setCourse(int CourseID) //在已有课程中选择属于自己Teach的课程编号 { system("cls"); //如果已经选满了 if(Len-now_have<=0) { puts("You have already set all of your courses!"); _sleep(800);return; } if(AllList[CourseID].HaveSet!=0)//如果已经被别人设置了 puts("This course has been set!"); else { puts("You successfully set the course!"); TeachCourse[++now_have]=CourseID; AllList[CourseID].HaveSet=1; } _sleep(800); } }; teacher A_T[200];//所有老师的信息 int T_totalnum; class student:public Person { public: long long number;//学号 int courseCount=0;//已选课程数目 int mycourse[20];//已选课程的课程编号 int LeastNum;//至少选择课程数目 string key;//密码 student(){} //此处age表示入学年份,如2021,2020 void Set_student(string Name,int Age,long long Num,int n,string Key) { name=Name; age=Age; number=Num;//学号 LeastNum=n; key=Key; memset(mycourse,0,sizeof(mycourse));//初始化已选课程数组 } void selectCourse(int CourseID) { system("cls"); //用于判断自己是否已经选过这门课程 bool HaveChoose = 0; for(int i=1;i<=courseCount;i++) if(CourseID==mycourse[i]) HaveChoose=1; //如果该门课已经被老师设置并且自己没有选过 if(AllList[CourseID].HaveSet && HaveChoose==0) { puts("You successfully stlect the course!"); mycourse[++courseCount]=CourseID; } //老师没有设置课程 else if(AllList[CourseID].HaveSet==0) puts("There is no such course!"); //自己已经选过 else if(HaveChoose==1) puts("This course you have chosen!"); _sleep(800); } void Delete(int CID) { system("cls"); if(courseCount==0) return; int CAN; for(int i=1;i<=courseCount;i++) { if(mycourse[i]==CID) { mycourse[i]=mycourse[courseCount]; courseCount--; CAN=1; break; } } if(CAN==1) puts("You successfully deleted the course!"); else puts("There is no such course!"); _sleep(800); } //判断是否满足学校要求 void judge() { if(courseCount>=LeastNum) //比较已选课程和要求课程数量 puts("You can complete the credits of this semester"); else printf("You need to choose %d more courses\n",LeastNum-courseCount); } }; student A_S[2000];//所有学生的信息 int S_totalnum;//学生的总数 class TeachingAssistant:public teacher,public student { public: void teach(){puts("I am a teaching assistant,I help my teacher teach his students");} TeachingAssistant(){} void selectCourse(int CourseID) { system("cls"); if(AllList[CourseID].HaveSet) { puts("You successfully stlect the course!"); mycourse[++courseCount]=CourseID; } else puts("There is no such course!"); _sleep(800); } void Delete(int CID) { system("cls"); if(courseCount==0) return; int CAN; for(int i=1;i<=courseCount;i++) { if(mycourse[i]==CID) { mycourse[i]=mycourse[courseCount]; courseCount--; CAN=1; break; } } if(CAN==1) puts("You successfully deleted the course!"); else puts("There is no such course!"); _sleep(800); } }; TeachingAssistant A_TA[2500]; void Pre_course() { //导入所有课程数据 int a,b;string c; freopen("date.txt","r",stdin); scanf("%d",&C_totalnum); for(int i=1;i<=C_totalnum;i++) { cin>>a>>c>>b; //输入编号,名称,学分 AllList[i].SetCourse(a,c,b); } } void Pre_teacher() { //导入所有老师数据 int a,b,c;string d; scanf("%d",&T_totalnum); for(int i=1;i<=T_totalnum;i++) { cin>>d>>a>>b>>c; //输入姓名,年龄,编号,应设置课程数量 A_T[i].Set_Teacher(d,a,b,c); } } void Pre_student() { //导入所有学生数据 int a;long long b;string d,e; scanf("%d",&S_totalnum); for(int i=1;i<=S_totalnum;i++) { //姓名 入学年份 学号 至少选课数统一为2 cin>>d>>a>>b>>e; A_S[i].Set_student(d,a,b,2,e); A_TA[i].Set_student(d,a,b,2,e); } } void Pre() //选课系统前置准备工作 { Pre_course();//导入课程数据 Pre_teacher();//导入老师数据 Pre_student();//导入学生数据 } void WrongW()//报错提示 { system("cls"); puts("You entered the wrong one!"); _sleep(500); } void MyCourse(int AID,int who) { system("cls"); puts(" <M y C o u r s e> \n"); PrintEgde(); if(who==0)//学生 { //没课的情况 if(A_S[AID].courseCount==0) puts("You have no course now!"); //有课的情况 for(int i=1;i<=A_S[AID].courseCount;i++) { int x=A_S[AID].mycourse[i]; printf("*%5d %-29s %4d *\n",AllList[x].CourseId,AllList[x].cousreName.c_str(),AllList[x].credit); } PrintEgde();putchar('\n'); A_S[AID].judge(); } else { if(A_TA[AID].courseCount==0) puts("You have no course now!"); for(int i=1;i<=A_TA[AID].courseCount;i++) { int x=A_TA[AID].mycourse[i]; printf("*%5d %-29s %4d *\n",AllList[x].CourseId,AllList[x].cousreName.c_str(),AllList[x].credit); } PrintEgde();putchar('\n'); } //是否进行退课操作 printf({"You can input The CourseID to delete:(or -1 to return)"}); int flag=0;scanf("%d",&flag); if(flag==-1) SelectSytem(AID,who); else if(flag>0 && flag<=C_totalnum) { if(who==0) A_S[AID].Delete(flag); else A_TA[AID].Delete(flag); MyCourse(AID,who); } else {WrongW();MyCourse(AID,who);} } void PrintC(int who) //打印所有课程信息 { puts(" <Course Information> \n"); PrintEgde(); puts("*Course Id Name Credit *"); PrintEgde(); if(who==1)//老师和助教 for(int i=1;i<=C_totalnum;i++) printf("*%5d %-29s %4d *\n",AllList[i].CourseId,AllList[i].cousreName.c_str(),AllList[i].credit); else//学生 for(int i=1;i<=C_totalnum;i++) if(AllList[i].HaveSet) printf("*%5d %-29s %4d *\n",AllList[i].CourseId,AllList[i].cousreName.c_str(),AllList[i].credit); PrintEgde();putchar('\n'); } void SelectSytem(int AID,int who) //who 0 代表学生 1 代表助教 { system("cls"); //打印所有课程信息 PrintC(0); //输出学生姓名 .c_str()的作用是将string类型的数据转成char类型,使得它可以用printf输出 printf("Student: %s .",A_S[AID].name.c_str()); if(who==0) A_S[AID].judge();//学生 printf("Please enter the Course Id to select\nYou can input -1 to exit\nYou can input -2 to check Mycourse and delete course\nNow enter a number:"); int flag=0;scanf("%d",&flag); if(flag==-1) BuildMainMenu();//返回上一级菜单 else if(flag==-2) MyCourse(AID,who);//查看已选课表 else if(flag>0 && flag<=C_totalnum)//数据在预设范围内,则选课 { if(who==0)//学生 A_S[AID].selectCourse(flag),SelectSytem(AID,who); else A_TA[AID].selectCourse(flag),SelectSytem(AID,who);//助教 } else {WrongW();SelectSytem(AID,who);}//报错 } void StudentSystem(int who) { system("cls"); //切换到从控制台输入数据 freopen("CON","r",stdin); //接下来为登陆页面 puts("Please enter your student number and password\n"); PrintEgde();putchar('\n'); printf("Student number:");long long SN;//输入学号 scanf("%lld",&SN); printf("Password: "); char Pas[20],Acs[20];scanf("%s",Pas);//输入密码 int AID;//在数据库中的序号 //在数据库中找到学号对应的正确密码 for(int i=1;i<=S_totalnum;i++) if(A_S[i].number==SN){strcpy(Acs,A_S[i].key.c_str());AID=i;break;} int times=2;//输入密码的机会 while(strcmp(Acs,Pas)!=0 && times>0) //看输入的密码与正确密码是否匹配,以及次数是否耗尽 { puts("Wrong Password!!!"); printf("you have %d times to enter the correct password\n",times); times--;scanf("%s",Pas); } //次数耗尽推出系统 if(times==0) { puts("I am sorry you can't enter our system!"); _sleep(800);exit(0); } if(who==0) SelectSytem(AID,who);//学生 else SelectSytem(AID,1);//助教 } //老师设置课程 void Setcourse(int TID) { system("cls"); printf("Welcome : %s\n",A_T[TID].name.c_str()); printf("You need to set %d courses\n\n",A_T[TID].Len-A_T[TID].now_have); PrintC(1); printf("Please enter the Course Id to set\nYou can input -1 to exit\nYou can input -2 to check Mycourse\nNow enter a number:"); int flag=0;scanf("%d",&flag); if(flag==-1) BuildMainMenu(); else if(flag==-2) A_T[TID].PrintNowteach(),Setcourse(TID);//查看已设置的课程 else if(flag>0 && flag<=C_totalnum)//设置课程 A_T[TID].setCourse(flag),Setcourse(TID); else {WrongW();Setcourse(TID);} } void TeacherSystem() { system("cls"); freopen("CON","r",stdin); //切换到从控制台输入数据 puts(" Welcome to Teacher system! "); PrintEgde();putchar('\n'); //输入教师编号以进入系统 printf("Please enter your Teacher Id:"); int TID;scanf("%d",&TID); if(TID>0 && TID<=T_totalnum) Setcourse(TID); else{ WrongW();TeacherSystem(); } } void TASystem() { //实际上助教系统可以看错和学生是一个系统的 StudentSystem(1); } //构建主菜单 void BuildMainMenu() { system("cls"); freopen("CON","r",stdin); //切换到从控制台输入数据 puts(" Welcome to course selection system! "); PrintEgde(); puts("* 1.Student entrance *"); puts("* 2.Teacher entrance *"); puts("* 3.TeachingAssistant *"); puts("* -1.Exit this system *"); PrintEgde();putchar('\n'); printf("Please input 1,2,3 or -1 to enter this system:"); int flag=-1;scanf("%d",&flag);//进入子系统 if(flag==1) StudentSystem(0); else if(flag==2) TeacherSystem(); else if(flag==3) TASystem(); else if(flag==-1) exit(0); else { WrongW(); BuildMainMenu(); } } int main()//主函数 { Pre();//前置数据导入 BuildMainMenu();//构建主菜单 return 0; }
/* date.txt 10 1 Media_English 2 2 Literature_English 2 3 Drama_English 2 4 Academic_English 2 5 Cross-cultural_Communication 2 6 Public_Speaking 2 7 Intermediate_English_Speaking 2 8 Intermediate_English_Writing 2 9 Basic_Russian 2 10 Basic_French 2 5 Harry_potter 35 1 2 Hermione 34 2 3 Henry_rowen 36 3 1 Snape 55 4 2 Dumbledore 46 5 2 2 Jack 2021 2021001 123456! Tom 2021 2021002 abc123 */