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// // ViewController.swift // Calculator // // Created by tutujiaw on 15/4/25. // Copyright (c) 2015年 tutujiaw. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var display: UILabel! var sumInMemory: Double = 0.0 var sumSoFar: Double = 0.0 var factorSoFar: Double = 0.0 var pendingAdditiveOperator = "" var pendingMultiplicativeOperator = "" var waitingForOperand = true var displayValue: Double { set { let intValue = Int(newValue) if (Double(intValue) == newValue) { display.text = "\(intValue)" } else { display.text = "\(newValue)" } } get { return (display.text! as NSString).doubleValue } } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } func calculate(rightOperand: Double, pendingOperator: String) -> Bool { var result = false switch pendingOperator { case "+": sumSoFar += rightOperand result = true case "-": sumSoFar -= rightOperand result = true case "*": factorSoFar *= rightOperand result = true case "/": if rightOperand != 0.0 { factorSoFar /= rightOperand result = true } default: break } return result } func abortOperation() { clearAll() display.text = "####" } @IBAction func digitClicked(sender: UIButton) { let digitValue = sender.currentTitle?.toInt() if display.text!.toInt() == 0 && digitValue == 0 { return } if waitingForOperand { display.text = "" waitingForOperand = false } display.text = display.text! + sender.currentTitle! } @IBAction func changeSignClicked() { displayValue *= -1 } @IBAction func backspaceClicked() { if waitingForOperand { return } var strValue = display.text! display.text = dropLast(strValue) if display.text!.isEmpty { displayValue = 0.0 waitingForOperand = true } } @IBAction func clear() { if waitingForOperand { return } displayValue = 0 waitingForOperand = true } @IBAction func clearAll() { sumSoFar = 0.0 factorSoFar = 0.0 pendingAdditiveOperator = "" pendingMultiplicativeOperator = "" displayValue = 0.0 waitingForOperand = true } @IBAction func clearMemory() { sumInMemory = 0.0 } @IBAction func readMemory() { displayValue = sumInMemory waitingForOperand = true } @IBAction func setMemory() { equalClicked() sumInMemory = displayValue } @IBAction func addToMemory() { equalClicked() sumInMemory += displayValue } @IBAction func multiplicativeOperatorClicked(sender: UIButton) { var clickedOperator = sender.currentTitle! var operand = displayValue if !pendingMultiplicativeOperator.isEmpty { if !calculate(operand, pendingOperator: pendingMultiplicativeOperator) { abortOperation() return } displayValue = factorSoFar } else { factorSoFar = operand } pendingMultiplicativeOperator = clickedOperator waitingForOperand = true } @IBAction func additiveOperatorClicked(sender: UIButton) { let clickedOperator = sender.currentTitle! var operand = displayValue if !pendingMultiplicativeOperator.isEmpty { if !calculate(operand, pendingOperator: pendingMultiplicativeOperator) { abortOperation() return } displayValue = factorSoFar factorSoFar = 0.0 pendingMultiplicativeOperator = "" } if !pendingAdditiveOperator.isEmpty { if !calculate(operand, pendingOperator: pendingAdditiveOperator) { abortOperation() return } displayValue = sumSoFar } else { sumSoFar = operand } pendingAdditiveOperator = clickedOperator waitingForOperand = true } @IBAction func unaryOperatorClicked(sender: UIButton) { let clickedOperator = sender.currentTitle! var result: Double = 0 if clickedOperator == "Sqrt" { if displayValue < 0 { abortOperation() return } result = sqrt(displayValue) } else if clickedOperator == "x^2" { result = pow(displayValue, 2) } else if clickedOperator == "1/x" { if displayValue == 0 { abortOperation() return } result = 1.0 / displayValue } displayValue = result waitingForOperand = true } @IBAction func equalClicked() { var operand = displayValue if !pendingMultiplicativeOperator.isEmpty { if !calculate(operand, pendingOperator: pendingMultiplicativeOperator) { abortOperation() return } operand = factorSoFar factorSoFar = 0.0 pendingMultiplicativeOperator = "" } if !pendingAdditiveOperator.isEmpty { if !calculate(operand, pendingOperator: pendingAdditiveOperator) { abortOperation() return } pendingAdditiveOperator = "" } else { sumSoFar = operand } displayValue = sumSoFar sumSoFar = 0.0 waitingForOperand = true } }