python opencv局部放大图 python opencv画局部放大图实例教程
拜阳 人气:0想了解python opencv画局部放大图实例教程的相关内容吗,拜阳在本文为您仔细讲解python opencv局部放大图的相关知识和一些Code实例,欢迎阅读和指正,我们先划重点:opencv局部放大图,python局部放大图,opencv图像缩放,下面大家一起来学习吧。
程序主要逻辑是:鼠标在任意窗口中做的操作都要同步映射到另外一个窗口。主要通过两个维度进行控制:1. 鼠标在主窗口还是在放大窗口;2. 鼠标的操作。其中主窗口指的是用来显示完整大图的窗口,放大窗口是用来显示局部放大区域的窗口。
- 鼠标在主窗口
- 鼠标移动:以当前点(current_pt)为中心显示一块放大区域,显示的范围由一个参数指定default_zoom_image_size。为了确保以current_pt为中心向四个方向均能取到default_zoom_image_size一半的值,current_pt的活动范围是大图减去一定的边缘区域,这个边缘区域就是default_zoom_image_size的一半。在活动范围内,current_pt等同于鼠标当前点,在边缘区域,current_pt等于距离鼠标当前点最近的边缘点。
- 鼠标画矩形框:左键按下并拖动可以画矩形框,矩形框不会超出大图边界
- 删除矩形框:有两种情况会删除矩形框 —— 1. 左键画出来的矩形框面积为零;2. 右键点击
- 鼠标在放大窗口
- 鼠标移动:什么也不做。
- 鼠标画矩形框:左键按下并拖动可以画矩形框,矩形框可以超出放大窗口的边界,但是不会超出大图边界
- 删除矩形框:同主窗口的两种情况
- 鼠标左键或右键点击:可以起到选择current_pt的作用
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 class Rect(object): def __init__(self, pt1=(0, 0), pt2=(0, 0)): = pt1 = pt2 self.regularize() def regularize(self): """ make sure tl = TopLeft point, br = BottomRight point """ tl = (min([0],[0]), min([1],[1])) br = (max([0],[0]), max([1],[1])) = tl = br def get_center(self): """ get center point of Rect """ center_x = ([0] +[0]) // 2 center_y = ([1] +[1]) // 2 return center_x, center_y def get_width(self): """ get width of Rect """ return abs([0] -[0]) def get_height(self): """ get height of Rect """ return abs([1] -[1]) def height_over_width(self): """ ratio of height over width """ return self.get_height() / self.get_width() def get_area(self): """ get area of Rect """ return self.get_width() * self.get_height() class DrawZoom(object): def __init__(self, image, color, current_pt=(0, 0), default_zoom_image_size=(256, 256)): self.original_image = image self.color = color self.thickness = 2 self.current_pt = current_pt self.default_zoom_image_size = default_zoom_image_size self.rect_in_big_image = Rect() self.rect_in_zoom_image = Rect() self.zoom_offset = (0, 0) self.is_drawing_big = False self.is_drawing_zoom = False self.exist_rect = False self.big_image = image.copy() self.zoom_image = None self.zoom_image_backup = None self.get_zoom_image() def get_image_height(self): """ get height of big image """ return self.original_image.shape[0] def get_image_width(self): """ get width of big image """ return self.original_image.shape[1] def get_margin_height(self): """ get height of margin. in the margin area of big image, coordinate of current_pt does NOT change """ return self.default_zoom_image_size[0] // 2 def get_margin_width(self): """ get width of margin """ return self.default_zoom_image_size[1] // 2 def get_zoom_image(self, height_ratio_expand=0.2, width_ratio_expand=0.2): """ get zoom image for two cases: the rect exists or not. height_ratio_expand and width_ratio_expand are used for expanding some area of rect """ if not self.exist_rect: self.get_zoom_image_for_current_pt() elif self.rect_in_big_image.get_area() > 0: self.get_zoom_image_for_rect(height_ratio_expand, width_ratio_expand) def get_zoom_image_for_current_pt(self): """ get zoom image for current mouse point (when rect does not exist) """ # (x, y) is center coordinate x = max(self.current_pt[0], self.get_margin_width()) x = min(x, self.get_image_width() - self.get_margin_width()) y = max(self.current_pt[1], self.get_margin_height()) y = min(y, self.get_image_height() - self.get_margin_height()) tl_x = x - self.get_margin_width() tl_y = y - self.get_margin_height() br_x = x + self.get_margin_width() br_y = y + self.get_margin_height() tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y = self.shrink_rect(tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y) self.zoom_image = self.big_image[tl_y:br_y, tl_x:br_x] self.zoom_image_backup = self.original_image[tl_y:br_y, tl_x:br_x] self.zoom_offset = (tl_x, tl_y) def get_zoom_image_for_rect(self, height_ratio_expand, width_ratio_expand): """ get zoom image when rect exists """ if self.rect_in_big_image.get_area() == 0: return None height_over_width_for_win_zoom = \ self.default_zoom_image_size[1] / self.default_zoom_image_size[0] center = self.rect_in_big_image.get_center() if self.rect_in_big_image.height_over_width() > \ height_over_width_for_win_zoom: half_height = int(0.5 * (1 + height_ratio_expand) * self.rect_in_big_image.get_height()) half_width = int(half_height / height_over_width_for_win_zoom) else: half_width = int(0.5 * (1 + width_ratio_expand) * self.rect_in_big_image.get_width()) half_height = int(half_width * height_over_width_for_win_zoom) tl_x = center[0] - half_width tl_y = center[1] - half_height br_x = center[0] + half_width br_y = center[1] + half_height tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y = self.shrink_rect(tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y) self.zoom_image = self.big_image[tl_y:br_y, tl_x:br_x] self.zoom_image_backup = self.original_image[tl_y:br_y, tl_x:br_x] self.zoom_offset = (tl_x, tl_y) @staticmethod def clip(value, low, high): """ clip value between low and high """ output = max(value, low) output = min(output, high) return output def shrink_point(self, x, y): """ shrink point (x, y) to inside big image """ x_shrink = self.clip(x, 0, self.get_image_width()) y_shrink = self.clip(y, 0, self.get_image_height()) return x_shrink, y_shrink def shrink_rect(self, pt1_x, pt1_y, pt2_x, pt2_y): """ shrink rect to inside big image """ pt1_x = self.clip(pt1_x, 0, self.get_image_width()) pt1_y = self.clip(pt1_y, 0, self.get_image_height()) pt2_x = self.clip(pt2_x, 0, self.get_image_width()) pt2_y = self.clip(pt2_y, 0, self.get_image_height()) rect = Rect((pt1_x, pt1_y), (pt2_x, pt2_y)) rect.regularize() tl_x, tl_y = br_x, br_y = return tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y def reset_big_image(self): """ reset big_image (for show) using original image """ self.big_image = self.original_image.copy() def reset_zoom_image(self): """ reset zoom_image (for show) using the zoom image backup """ self.zoom_image = self.zoom_image_backup.copy() def draw_rect_in_big_image(self): """ draw rect in big image """ cv2.rectangle(self.big_image,,, color=self.color, thickness=self.thickness) def draw_rect_in_zoom_image(self): """ draw rect in zoom image """ cv2.rectangle(self.zoom_image,,, color=self.color, thickness=self.thickness) def update_drawing_big(self): """ update drawing big image, and map the corresponding area to zoom image """ if self.exist_rect: self.draw_rect_in_big_image() self.get_zoom_image() def update_drawing_zoom(self): """ update drawing big and zoom image when drawing rect in zoom image """ if self.exist_rect: self.draw_rect_in_big_image() self.draw_rect_in_zoom_image() def onmouse_big_image(event, x, y, flags, draw_zoom): if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: # pick first point of rect draw_zoom.is_drawing_big = True = (x, y) draw_zoom.exist_rect = True elif draw_zoom.is_drawing_big and event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: # pick second point of rect and draw current rect = draw_zoom.shrink_point(x, y) draw_zoom.reset_big_image() draw_zoom.update_drawing_big() elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: # finish drawing current rect draw_zoom.is_drawing_big = False = draw_zoom.shrink_point(x, y) draw_zoom.rect_in_big_image.regularize() if draw_zoom.rect_in_big_image.get_area() == 0: draw_zoom.reset_big_image() draw_zoom.rect_in_big_image = Rect() draw_zoom.exist_rect = False draw_zoom.update_drawing_big() elif (not draw_zoom.is_drawing_big) and event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: # right button down to erase current rect draw_zoom.rect_in_big_image = Rect() draw_zoom.exist_rect = False draw_zoom.reset_big_image() draw_zoom.update_drawing_big() else: # default case: mouse move without rect draw_zoom.current_pt = (x, y) draw_zoom.update_drawing_big() def onmouse_zoom_image(event, x, y, flags, draw_zoom): if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: # pick first point of rect draw_zoom.is_drawing_zoom = True = (x, y) = (x + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[0], y + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[1]) draw_zoom.exist_rect = True elif draw_zoom.is_drawing_zoom and event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE: # pick second point of rect and draw current rect = (x, y) = draw_zoom.shrink_point( x + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[0], y + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[1]) draw_zoom.reset_zoom_image() draw_zoom.reset_big_image() draw_zoom.update_drawing_zoom() elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: # finish drawing current rect draw_zoom.is_drawing_zoom = False = draw_zoom.shrink_point( x + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[0], y + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[1]) draw_zoom.rect_in_big_image.regularize() if draw_zoom.rect_in_big_image.get_area() == 0: draw_zoom.reset_big_image() draw_zoom.rect_in_big_image = Rect() draw_zoom.rect_in_zoom_image = Rect() draw_zoom.exist_rect = False draw_zoom.current_pt = draw_zoom.shrink_point( x + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[0], y + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[1]) draw_zoom.update_drawing_big() elif (not draw_zoom.is_drawing_big) and event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: # right button down to erase current rect draw_zoom.rect_in_big_image = Rect() draw_zoom.rect_in_zoom_image = Rect() draw_zoom.exist_rect = False draw_zoom.reset_big_image() draw_zoom.current_pt = draw_zoom.shrink_point( x + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[0], y + draw_zoom.zoom_offset[1]) draw_zoom.update_drawing_big() else: # mousemove in zoom image will not change the content of image pass if __name__ == '__main__': WIN_NAME_BIG = 'big_image' WIN_NAME_ZOOM = 'zoom_image' image = cv2.imread('1.jpg') draw_zoom = DrawZoom(image, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.namedWindow(WIN_NAME_BIG, 0) cv2.namedWindow(WIN_NAME_ZOOM, 0) cv2.setMouseCallback(WIN_NAME_BIG, onmouse_big_image, draw_zoom) cv2.setMouseCallback(WIN_NAME_ZOOM, onmouse_zoom_image, draw_zoom) while True: cv2.imshow(WIN_NAME_BIG, draw_zoom.big_image) cv2.imshow(WIN_NAME_ZOOM, draw_zoom.zoom_image) key = cv2.waitKey(30) if key == 27: # ESC break cv2.destroyAllWindows()