SwiftUI 官方画图实例详细解析
zxRisingSun 人气:0
/// Appends a straight line segment from the current point to the specified /// point. public mutating func addLine(to p: CGPoint)
这个方法是 Path 类的划线方法
/// Adds a quadratic Bézier curve to the path, with the specified end point /// and control point. public mutating func addQuadCurve(to p: CGPoint, control cp: CGPoint)
这个方法是 Path 类的画贝塞尔曲线的方法,通过一个控制点从开始点到结束点画一条曲线,
在通过这两个主要方法画出我们图形的轮廓之后我们在通过 Shape 的fill 方法给填充一个线性渐变View( LinearGradient )就基本上有了底部视图的效果。
/// Fills this shape with a color or gradient. /// /// - Parameters: /// - content: The color or gradient to use when filling this shape. /// - style: The style options that determine how the fill renders. /// - Returns: A shape filled with the color or gradient you supply. @inlinable public func fill<S>(_ content: S, style: FillStyle = FillStyle()) -> some View where S : ShapeStyle
struct BadgeBackground: View { /// 渐变色的开始和结束的颜色 static let gradientStart = Color(red: 239.0 / 255, green: 120.0 / 255, blue: 221.0 / 255) static let gradientEnd = Color(red: 239.0 / 255, green: 172.0 / 255, blue: 120.0 / 255) /// var body: some View { /// geometry [dʒiˈɒmətri] 几何学 /// 14之后改了它的对齐方式,向上对齐 GeometryReader { geometry in Path{path in /// 保证是个正方形 var width: CGFloat = min(geometry.size.width, geometry.size.height) let height = width /// 这个值越大 x的边距越小 值越小 边距越大 缩放系数 let xScale: CGFloat = 0.85 /// 定义的是x的边距 let xOffset = (width * (1.0 - xScale)) / 2.0 width *= xScale /// 这个点事图中 1 的位置 path.move(to: CGPoint( x: xOffset + width * 0.95 , y: height * (0.20 + HexagonParameters.adjustment)) ) /// 循环这个数组 HexagonParameters.points.forEach { /// 从path开始的点到to指定的点添加一段直线 path.addLine( to:.init( /// useWidth: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), /// xFactors: (0.60, 0.40, 0.50), x: xOffset + width * $0.useWidth.0 * $0.xFactors.0 , y: height * $0.useHeight.0 * $0.yFactors.0 ) ) /// 从开始的点到指定的点添加一个贝塞尔曲线 /// 这里开始的点就是上面添加直线结束的点 path.addQuadCurve( to: .init( x: xOffset + width * $0.useWidth.1 * $0.xFactors.1, y: height * $0.useHeight.1 * $0.yFactors.1 ), control: .init( x: xOffset + width * $0.useWidth.2 * $0.xFactors.2, y: height * $0.useHeight.2 * $0.yFactors.2 ) ) } } /// 添加一个线性颜色渐变 .fill(LinearGradient( gradient:.init(colors: [Self.gradientStart, Self.gradientEnd]), /// 其实从 0.5 ,0 到 0.5 0.6 的渐变就是竖直方向的渐变 startPoint:.init(x: 0.5, y: 0), endPoint: .init(x: 0.5, y: 0.6) /// aspect 方向 Ratio 比率,比例 )) .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) } } }
/// Adds a sequence of connected straight-line segments to the path. public mutating func addLines(_ lines: [CGPoint])
注意区分 addLine 和 addLines,不要把他们搞混淆了!一个传递的参数是一个点一个是点的集合,在没有画之前你可能会觉得难,但其实真正看代码还是比较简单的,最后只需要填充一个你需要的颜色就可以,具体的代码我们也不细说了,应为比较简单,如下:
struct BadgeSymbol: View { static let symbolColor = Color(red: 79.0 / 255, green: 79.0 / 255, blue: 191.0 / 255) var body: some View { GeometryReader { geometry in Path { path in let width = min(geometry.size.width, geometry.size.height) let height = width * 0.75 let spacing = width * 0.030 let middle = width / 2 let topWidth = 0.226 * width let topHeight = 0.488 * height /// 上面部分 path.addLines([ CGPoint(x: middle, y: spacing), CGPoint(x: middle - topWidth, y: topHeight - spacing), CGPoint(x: middle, y: topHeight / 2 + spacing), CGPoint(x: middle + topWidth, y: topHeight - spacing), CGPoint(x: middle, y: spacing) ]) /// path 移动到这个点重新开始绘制 其实这句没啥影响 /// path.move(to: CGPoint(x: middle, y: topHeight / 2 + spacing * 3)) path.addLines([ CGPoint(x: middle - topWidth, y: topHeight + spacing), CGPoint(x: spacing, y: height - spacing), CGPoint(x: width - spacing, y: height - spacing), CGPoint(x: middle + topWidth, y: topHeight + spacing), CGPoint(x: middle, y: topHeight / 2 + spacing * 3) ]) } .fill(Self.symbolColor) } } }
/// 八个角度设置箭头 static let rotationCount = 8 /// var badgeSymbols: some View { ForEach(0..<Badge.rotationCount) { i in RotatedBadgeSymbol( /// degrees 度数 八等分制 angle: .degrees(Double(i) / Double(Badge.rotationCount)) * 360.0 ) } .opacity(0.5) /// opacity 透明度 }
struct RotatedBadgeSymbol: View { /// 角度 let angle: Angle /// var body: some View { BadgeSymbol() .padding(-60) /// 旋转角度 .rotationEffect(angle, anchor: .bottom) } }
最后一步也比较简单,这种某视图在另一个制图之上的需要用到 ZStack ,前面的文章中我们有介绍和使用过 HStack 和 VStack,这次在这里就用到了 VStack,他们之间没有啥特备大的区别,理解视图与视图之间的层级和位置关系就没问题。
var body: some View { /// Z 轴 在底部背景之上 ZStack { BadgeBackground() GeometryReader { geometry in self.badgeSymbols /// 缩放比例 .scaleEffect(1.0 / 4.0, anchor: .top) /// position 说的是badgeSymbols的位置 /// GeometryReader可以帮助我们获取父视图的size .position(x: geometry.size.width / 2.0, y: (3.0 / 4.0) * geometry.size.height) } } .scaledToFit() }
struct HexagonParameters { struct Segment { let useWidth: (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) let xFactors: (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) let useHeight: (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) let yFactors: (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) } static let adjustment: CGFloat = 0.085 static let points = [ Segment( useWidth: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), xFactors: (0.60, 0.40, 0.50), useHeight: (1.00, 1.00, 0.00), yFactors: (0.05, 0.05, 0.00) ), Segment( useWidth: (1.00, 1.00, 0.00), xFactors: (0.05, 0.00, 0.00), useHeight: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), yFactors: (0.20 + adjustment, 0.30 + adjustment, 0.25 + adjustment) ), Segment( useWidth: (1.00, 1.00, 0.00), xFactors: (0.00, 0.05, 0.00), useHeight: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), yFactors: (0.70 - adjustment, 0.80 - adjustment, 0.75 - adjustment) ), Segment( useWidth: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), xFactors: (0.40, 0.60, 0.50), useHeight: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), yFactors: (0.95, 0.95, 1.00) ), Segment( useWidth: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), xFactors: (0.95, 1.00, 1.00), useHeight: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), yFactors: (0.80 - adjustment, 0.70 - adjustment, 0.75 - adjustment) ), Segment( useWidth: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), xFactors: (1.00, 0.95, 1.00), useHeight: (1.00, 1.00, 1.00), yFactors: (0.30 + adjustment, 0.20 + adjustment, 0.25 + adjustment) ) ] }